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Abrantix AG

Zoho Owner Account

Zoho Owner Account

Blog by Zoho Owner Account

The darned 9th bit and what you need to know about the MDB protocol

25.11.12 02:00 AM By Zoho Owner Account - Comment(s)
The darned 9th bit and what you need to know about the MDB protocol
Working with payment terminals put us in contact with the MDB protocol. A very special protocol that gave us some headaches. For a long time now I wanted to share some of the problems we had – and insights we gained – while creating a product based around the MDB protocol. As a software co...

Mastercard PayPass transactions on vending machines

01.05.12 04:00 AM By Zoho Owner Account - Comment(s)
Mastercard PayPass transactions on vending machines
You just want to have a quick cup of coffee or a quick drink before a meeting. Wouldn’t it be nice and easy if you could just wave your Mastercard and get your coffee or drink? If you would work in Switzerland this could be the case.

We have just installed several AX-T1 payment devices t...
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